Sunday, 12 January 2020

The Methods of Employee Motivation

The Methods of Employee Motivation

Communicates Better – The staff will know their value and communication is the best way to show the value of employees in an organization (Jacoby, 2017).

Be an example – It is necessary to be an example to the employees. By being an example it will show the employee, the leader’s excitement towards the company’s goal (Jacoby, 2017). 

Empowering the employee – To get the employee to improve their performance. Employees have ideas about how they can be more efficient and it is important to get them motivated (Jacoby, 2017).

Offer opportunities for better career growth – Motivate employees by offering training that give them skills (Jacoby, 2017).

Provide incentives – Incentives are always motivation boosters and incentives are the best way to show appreciation. Motivation is a key role in keeping the best employees too (Jacoby, 2017). 

Motivation is not only restricted to physical and tangible things like money or promotions but also intangibles like psychological factors (Olusadum and Anulika, 2018). Goals inspire people to change strategies that will enable them to perform at the essential goal levels. Finally, achieving the goal can lead to satisfaction and further motivation, or frustration and lower motivation if the goal is not fulfilled (Lunenburg, 2011) Many investigators show that the environmental factors increase the employee’s motivation. Reis and Pena (2001) has objective to present the environment in employees can work friendly. Results show that in nowadays cooperative work environment is great effect on motivation. It’s confirmed that working style and approaches have been changed (Dahie, Ali and Ale, 2015)

Motivated workers are more dedicated to their organizations. They have job satisfaction and therefore, they work more productively, and for this reason, managers motivate their employees to use their knowledge and skills towards organizational aims (Osterloh, Bruno and Frost, 2001).

Employee Motivation is categorized into two categories such as, Extrinsic Motivation and Intrinsic Motivation; Individuals are intrinsically motivated when they seek enjoyment, interest, satisfaction of curiosity, self-expression, or personal challenge in the work (Keijerz, 2010) and extrinsically motivated when they engage in the work in order to obtain some goal that is apart from the job. (Keijerz, 2010). Increase in extrinsic factors alone does not lead to an increase in performance. And at last, it is argued that extrinsic factors have an influence on intrinsic motivation and in some cases can even decrease intrinsic motivation (Keijerz, 2010).

The following model shown in Figure 1 depicts the impact of motivation on employees' performance. According to the analysis and interpretation made by (Uzonna, 2016) the following conclusions were drawn: If managers to be effective, they need to have at least a basic understanding of motivation and different motivational theories which explains the concept of motivation. It is only grasping these concepts that they can hope to effectively bring about continual high performance in their workers. Managers should provide growth opportunity and exciting jobs in order to better motivate today's workers. Without the said challenges and chances for growth, employees may not see a need to perform highly at work. In conclusion, when it comes to bringing out the best performance of employees, growth opportunities and challenges, recognition and non-cash rewards are more effective motivators than money (Uzonna, 2016).  

Figure 1: Impact of monetary motivation variables on employee performance
                                  (Source: Uzonna, 2016)

If the empowerment and appreciation of employees is increased, their motivation to work will progress their accomplishments and the organizational performance. Nevertheless, employee dissatisfactions affected by monotonous jobs may weaken the organizational performance (Dobre, 2013). Therefore, jobs absence rates may increase and employees might leave the organization to the competitors if they offer healthy work conditions and higher perks. Each individual should be motivated using different strategies. For example, one employee may be motivated by higher commission, while another might be motivated by job satisfaction or a better working environment (Dobre, 2013).

Reference List

Dahie, A. M. et al (2015) Employee Motivation and Organizatonal Performance: Empirical Evidence from Secondary Schools in Mogadishu - Somalia. Academic Research International, 6 (5). Available at. <>. [Accessed on 13 January 2020]

Dobre, O.I. (2013) Employee Motivation and Employee Performance, Review of applied Socio –Economic Research, 5 (1), pp 53,   Available at. < file:///C:/Users/ruwinip/Downloads/R5_5_DobreOvidiuIliuta_p53_60%20(1).pdf>. [Accessed on 12 January 2020]

Jacoby, M. (2017) Top 5 Ways to Motivate Your Employees, Huffpost, Available at. <>. [Accessed on 12 January 2020]

Keijzers, B. (2010) Employee Motivation and Performance, Bachelor Business Studies, Available at. <>. [Accessed on 12 January 2020]

Lunenburg, F. C. (2011) Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, 15 (1), Available at. <,%20Fred%20C.%20Goal-Setting%20Theoryof%20Motivation%20IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf>. [Accessed on. 12 January 2020]

Olusadum, N. J. and Anulika, N. J. (2018) Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Study of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Journal of Management and Strategy, 9 (1), Available at. <>. [ Accessed on 12 January 2020]

Osterlo, M., Frey, B. S and Frost, J. (2001) Managing Motivation, Organization and Governance, Journal of Management and Governance, Available at. <>. [Accessed on 12 January 2020]

Uzonna, U. R. (2013) Impact of motivation of employees' performance: A case study of  CreditWest Bank Cyprus. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 5 (5), pp. 199-211. Available at. <>. [Accessed on 13 January 2020]


  1. Motivation plays crucial role in individuals and teams to reach any desired goal, especially in organization in current context. The blog comprehensively discuses on the subject and gives a good understanding of the subject

  2. Thank you for your comments on my blog Chaminda, Motivation is very much needed for employees in an organization to be more productive, and management or leadership style has an important role to play. Although individuals have their expectations, it is the leadership’s responsibility to develop and align which are suitable to bring job satisfaction to their employees (Badubi, 2017).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ruwani , Well explained Blog on Importance of EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION
    . Motivation strategies ,which you have highlighted , aim to create a working environment and to develop policies and practices that would provide for higher levels of performance from employees. They include the design of intrinsically motivating jobs and leadership development programmes and the development of total reward systems and performance management processes (Armstrong and Taylor , 2014) .

  5. Dear Kasun, thank you for your comments on my blog whilst I agree with you. Intrinsic motivation has to do more with meaning and purpose, service and duty, learning and growth (Ranadive, 2016). It relates to the deeply held values and beliefs. Research shows that fulfilling intrinsic motivations leads to greater creativity, productivity, and commitment. It’s doing what’s most satisfying to the individual (Murphy, 2017).

  6. Ruwini, In your blog has well illustrated on importance of the employee motivation to the organization.
    Organization is public or private employee motivation is most important element for an organization to succeed achievement (Chintallo & Mahadeo, 2013). Motivation is actually influenced for employee performance. If employees are motivated then they will do work with more effort and by which performance will improve (Azar and Shafighi, 2013).

  7. Hi Ruwani,
    You have correctly identified the employee motivating factors. among them "Provide incentives" is playing big role today because as per Abadi, etal.(2011) Money is the fundamental inducement, no other incentive or motivational technique comes even close to it with respect to its influential value.

  8. Ruwini You have discussed on a most important theory in Human Resources Management. Motivation is the key to success in any organization. It increases the encouragement of the employees while increasing the retention rate and the capability of achieving company as well as human goals. Any motivated behavior, either preparatory or consummatory, must be understood to be a channel through which many basic needs may be simultaneously expressed or satisfied. Typically an act has more than one motivation.(Green,2000).

  9. Hi Ruwini, Very interesting article about motivation. The only way to do great work is to love what you do, Steve Jobs. It is important to focus on employees motivation in terms getting great outcome at the end. Therefore making them motivated according to the facts given in your article is very interesting. Its also needs to cover how effect demotivate when discussing the motivation for understand the need of motivation.

  10. Hi Ruwani,
    You have correctly identified the employee motivating factors. among them "Provide incentives" is playing big role today because as per Abadi, etal.(2011) Money is the fundamental inducement, no other incentive or motivational technique comes even close to it with respect to its influential value.

  11. As i agree with you Ruwini, company should concentrate more on training and development to improve employees skill, Knowledge, abilities and behaviors to help lead their organization into the future. According to Frost (2018),Most employees have some weakness in their workplace skill. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program bring all employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge. Providing the necessary training create an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as needed.
